Partner Staking
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In order to ensure the best possible staking rewards for holders of Pedigree Society NFTs, we are actively seeking suitable staking partners within the Cardano ecosystem and have identified a number of existing partners who we believe can offer the best staking rewards.
This is an ongoing development and any new staking partners which come into the space, will be reviewed by the Team to see if they are a good fit for The Pedigree Society.
CardanoLands is a CNFT DeFi platform where users can stake NFTs from supported collections to earn passive income. They are building a virtual economy based on a fantasy world that promotes real interaction between numerous projects, including CNFT collections, exchanges, wallets, and staking pools. The game has various built-in mechanics that stimulate engagement and cooperation between projects and their communities, while also maintaining a strong economy. We have pledge to use mint proceeds to achieve x2 multiplier for The Pedigree Society, earning holders the maximum rewards possible on this platform.
The Ape Society are currently leading the way in the Cardano NFT space, a project we respect highly. They have a strong team, great ideas, and a passion for creating something unique and special. We will be seeking to become verified on the none-ape staking platform which will earn holders of both projects, $SOCIETY tokens.
Derp Birds is another project we admire in the Cardano space and will be seeking to get verified on their staking platform so holders can earn $DERP every epoch. They are working with projects on a 1-on-1 basis to determine if projects are a good fit.
We believe The Pedigree Society will make a good addition to this platform.